Looking for extracurricular activities but aren’t sure which will be the best for you? No problem! We offer multiple clubs to fit the growing interests of our students. You can learn more about each of our clubs below:
The Academic Decathlon is a 10-event scholastic competition for teams of high school students. Each high school enters a team of nine students:
- Three "A" or honor students
- Three "B" or scholastic students
- Three "C" or varsity students
The Take Pride in America program is a national program authorized by Congress to promote the appreciation and stewardship of public lands, including parks, forests, historic sites, and schools. Take Pride in America is active in all fifty states with public, private, and nonprofit organizations.
The Take Pride Schools program was launched in the fall of 2005 to introduce a new generation to volunteerism and create future stewards of our public lands. To be designated as a Take Pride School, a school must commit to participating in two Take Pride volunteer events each school year, benefiting public lands. Participation must be on public land (including school grounds), promote the Take Pride in America message, and benefit public use of public land.
At the beginning of 2009, Glendale Jr./Sr. High became the first school in Pennsylvania to join this national program.
SADD stands for Students Against Destructive Decisions. It is a student-run club that empowers and mobilizes students and adult allies to engage in positive change through leadership and smart decision-making. The mission of SADD is to have students collaborate to create a healthier and safer world, one positive decision at a time.
The club participates in several activities throughout the school year such as Red Ribbon Week and Pre-Prom Events/Mock Accident. The advisor for SADD is Mrs. Snyder and the following students are the officers for SADD for the 2024-25 school year:
Student Council is responsible for hosting a variety of events throughout the school year. These include school dances, such as Homecoming and others as decided throughout the year, and numerous spirit days.
Devoted to improving and maintaining a positive student experience, Glendale Student Council organizes events that maximize the level of enjoyment for everyone involved, while also allowing as many students to participate as possible.
If you have any suggestions or concerns regarding any of Student Council’s activities, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Glendale Jr./Sr. High School has implemented a School-Wide Positive Behavior Support Program- a system approach for establishing the social culture and individualized behavioral supports needed for schools to achieve both social and academic success for all students. The program is designed to create a positive school culture using the following basic principles: the school environment is predictable, positive, safe and consistent.
The SWPB Club is a student-run group who helps plan incentives, assemblies and helps to improve the overall climate of the school. Students in grades 7-12 can apply to be in the group.
School Wide Positive Behavior (SWPB) Motto
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
- Be Safe
- Be Ready to Learn
- Be Viking Proud!
The Viking Voyager is the Glendale Jr./Sr. High School newspaper. It is usually published seven times a year by the journalism/yearbook class. You can read our latest version on our News page.
Our yearbook committee outlines and creates each year’s yearbook. The students create the pages using Yearbook Avenue and send the finished copy to Jostens for printing.
- Drama Club
- National Honor Society
- Reading Team
- Science Club
- Tri M
- Varsity Club
- Order a Yearbook
- ReplayIt (School password: vikings14)
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